Install yarn for the installed version of node you plan to use:
nvm use 18.12.1
npm install -g yarn
Install Typescript:
$ npm install -g typescript
$ npm install -g ts-node
You can install the SDK using NPM or Yarn to access the latest stable version of the package, or by cloning the repo in order to have access to experimental and state-of-the art developments in the D8X API. We recommend using Yarn.
Run yarn in the root directory of the repo to install the package
Once the SDK is installed, import the modules you need from @d8x/d8x-futures-node-sdk:
import { MarketData, AccountTrade, PerpetualDataHandler } from '@d8x/perpetuals-sdk';
Read-only modules, such as MarketData, do not require you to specify a private key and can be instantiated without any additional user-provided data:
async function main() {
// see what chain configurations are available:
const configs = PerpetualDataHandler.getAvailableConfigs();
// output of the form:
// Set(2) { '1101; zkevm', `196; xlayer'}
// load configuration for xlayer
const config = PerpetualDataHandler.readSDKConfig("xlayer");
// MarketData (read only, no authentication needed)
let mktData = new MarketData(config);
// Create a proxy instance to access the blockchain
await mktData.createProxyInstance();
// now you can access all methods of the Market Data object
Modules that require the user to cryptographically sign, such as AccountTrade that allows you to post orders on the blockchain, do require you to specify your private key. We recommend setting your private key as an environment variable, e.g. in a terminal prompt:
$ export PK="your-private-key-without-0x"
> set PK=your-private-key-without-0x
You can then instantiate modules with write-access as follows:
async function main() {
// load configuration for ZKEVM cardona testnet
const config = PerpetualDataHandler.readSDKConfig("cardona");
// AccountTrade (authentication required)
const pk: string = <string>process.env.PK;
let accTrade = new AccountTrade(config, pk);
// Create a proxy instance to access the blockchain
await accTrade.createProxyInstance();
// now you can access all methods of the Account Trade object
The D8X Node SDK package provides default configuration files and readSDKConfig accepts the choices "cardona" (for chainId 2442), "zkevm"(for chainId 1101), "x1" (for chainId 195) and "xlayer" (for chainId 196). The configuration file is required to initialize the node-package classes. There is most likely no reason to deviate from either of the default configuration files, but if you want you can, by providing a path to your configuration file: